In the reading section, the writer asserts that communal online encyclopedias are much less valuable than traditional printed ones due to any internet user (خیلی مفهوم نیست).can contribute a new article or make an editorial change by representing some reasons and examples: inaccurate information by nonspecialist contributors, original text distortion due to exposing to hackers, and non-categorized information based on importance.
In the reading section, the writer contends that communal online encyclopedias have some inevitable defects including non-academic and ordinary contributors, corruption of data by indecent users and hackers, and too much concentration on insignificant information which make them less valuable the traditional ones; however, in the lecture, the professor casts doubts on the reading points by presenting the advantages of online encyclopedia.
inevitable defect: important problems
non-academic and ordinary contributors: lack academic credential .... contributor... internet users
corruption of data: fabricate, delete, and corrupt information
indecent user and hackers: unscrupulous users, vandal, and hackers
unscrupulous: having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair
First of all, the writer indicates that online encyclopedia in many cases spreads inaccurate information owing to lack academic contributors. On the other hand, the lecturer points to the fact that neither online encyclopedia could be comprehensive nor offline based on an example. within 20 years or less, by growth forward in science it reveals some errors in printed ones and it would not be easy to correct.
اصلا وجود نداشته چنین داده ای
First of all, the writer claims that the contribution of some experts and well-educated academic persons to compile traditional encyclopedia provides more reliable information compared to communal online ones which are occasionally written by non-experts; in contrast, the professor rejects this notion by stating that traditional encyclopedia do not lack errors and false information. Besides, incorrect and inaccurate data in traditional encyclopedias remain for decades whereas they are easy to erase from their online counterparts.
In addition, the professor casts doubt on the threat of unscrupulous users, vandals, and hackers mentioned in the reading by stating some solutions. She suggests non-formatable contents for crucial data to protect the original text. secondly, the lecturer asserts that special editors could examined data to support this malfunction of online encyclopedia.
Moreover, contrary to the idea in the reading suggesting that unwelcome visitors and hackers cause some sort of corruption in online references and reduce their authenticity, the lecturer asserts that with the aid of some policies and solutions namely, providing files in read-only format and some kind of supervision before any change which is provided by a panel of experts, their offending effects could be negated.
Moreover, the writer considers focus on trivial and popular topics a false impression of what is important and what is not. contrary to the online encyclopedia, the traditional ones contain a sense of proportion. the professor rejects this notion based on some evidence. he claims the printed presenting data in this order due to space limitation. online encyclopedia goes beyond limitation and can reflect a variety of ideas and present diversity truly.
In addition, even though the writer indicates that online encyclopedia consists of such a wide range of information that makes it hard for users to distinguish between significant and insignificant information, the professor mentions that due to the great range of interests and large number of users who frequently surf these online materials, it is better to utilize the unlimited space on the internet and support their interest with great variety of articles. additionally, she asserts that wide range of information is one of the greatest merits of online encyclopedia.
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